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The 5" Eco Worm is a stick bait style lure. The stick bait is a staple soft plastic lure in any bass fisherman’s tacklebox. The Eco Worm mimics a variety of medium sized baitfish and is probably one of the most used and versatile soft plastic lures on the market.


Most stick baits are infused with salt, which is good to add weight for farther casting and to get that extra second for a hook set, however, it diminishes the integrity of the lure and makes them more susceptible to breaking and tearing. Our proven fish oil infused formula has eliminated this problem while keeping the desired effect of salt infused stick baits.


Some anglers try to add scent or attractant to non-salted rubber lures only to see that it has completely rinsed off in a few casts, which results in frequently reapplying the scent, taking precious time away from fishing. Our formula slowly but steadily releases fish oil into the water for as long as the Eco Worm is submerged.


Expect an explosive strike from a fish that will not want to let go after tasting an Eco Worm saturated with fish oil. Thus, giving you the edge in tricking that older, smarter fish of a lifetime to bite just a little bit longer! We offer the Eco Worm in multiple colors and (edible) glitter combinations for all water conditions!



  • The Eco Worm will catch fish from early spring to late fall. It is possible to catch fish in the winter, but generally fish are looking for smaller profile baits during the winter.
  • Whenever you are targeting bass, they simply can't resist an Eco Worm infused with fish oil.
  • Post spawn and in the autumn months.



  • Steep drop offs in structure.
  • Weed lines and other cover you suspect holds fish.
  • Mouth of a creek or river dumping into a bigger body of water.



  • Weightless Texas Rig
  • 1/16 to 1/8 oz worm weight on a Texas Rig
  • 1/4 to 1/2 oz worm weight on a Texas Rig (heavier weight for flipping through cover)
  • 1/16 to 1 oz jig heads
  • Wacky Rig
  • Drop shot
  • Carolina Rig



  • Since the Eco Worm is so versatile, many different techniques and tackle will work, depending on the conditions such as the depth or fishing heavy cover. A medium to medium-heavy action rod is recommended as a good all-around rod for most conditions. You can either tie the Eco Worm on to 6-12lb mono or a 6-12lb fluorocarbon leader attached to 30-40lb braid. You CAN use light tackle if you want, just make sure your drag is set properly.



  • Literally any predatory fish that can fit this lure in its mouth. And no, we’re not exaggerating. However, the Eco Worm truly excels when targeting largemouth and smallmouth bass.

Eco Worm

    • Length: 5 inches
    • Weight: 70.9g (0.16lb/pack)
    • 6 per package
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